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Title : Ausgrabung
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Tetani
Code : 0023
Price : Ask
A piece of destroyed Pulai wood, now arranged with a few archeological unearthed artefacts


Title : AyersRock
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Tetani
Code : 0021
Price : Ask
Tetanie means termite in indonesian language. They found this piece of wood and have done it, creating a small artwork. I just had to complete it.


Title : Fächer
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Tetani
Code : 0010
Price : Ask
Tetanie means termite in indonesian language. They found this piece of wood and have done it, creating a small artwork. I just had to complete it.


Title : Gekko
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 23 x 9 x 1
Code : 990432309106012582
Price : Ask
Ja habe ich mich nicht gut getarnt?Kokospalme


Title : Gekko
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 26 x 12 x 3
Code : 990432612301012782
Price : Ask
Gekko und Lebensraum sind aus verschiedenen Pulaihölzern.


Title : Gekko
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 37 x 10 x 3
Code : 990433710311012282
Price : Ask
Rauhe Landschaft auch für ein "Gelände" Gekko.Mischholz


Title : Gekkos
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 32 x 26 x 2
Code : 120433226201092610
Price : Ask
Neun Gekkos tummeln sich in diesem Tableau.Teilweise sind sie durch Verfärbungen im Holz graublau.



Title : Gibbon
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 20 x 20 x 5
Code : 990452020501010514
Price : Ask
Wohlwollend beobachtet der Gibbon uns.Pulaiholz


Title : Giraffe
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 29 x 55 x 6
Code : 990422955601010013
Price : Ask
Hoch oben an die Blätter kommt außer der Giraffe keiner.Pulaiholz

Im Wind

Title : Im Wind
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Tetani
Code : 0025
Price : Ask
Tetanie means termite in indonesian language. They found this piece of wood and have done it, creating a small artwork. I just had to complete it.


Title : Karett
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 37 x 25 x 5
Code : 990763725501012450
Price : Ask
Was tut sich über Wasser.Karettschildkröte Pulaiholz


Title : Katze
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 28 x 15 x 6
Code : 990722815601013014
Price : Ask
Later there will be alit mouse hiding behind the cat...


Title : Katze
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 30 x 12 x 3
Code : 990723012301912713
Price : Ask
Being a cat, it needs a lot of patience to catch....


Title : Katze
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 50 x 33 x 7
Code : 090725033701482901
Price : Ask
Diese Katze,die deutlich größer ist 50x33cm lässt nicht ahnen,daß da 48 Katzen und Mäuse drinnen liegen.


Title : Kautz
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 25 x 16 x 5
Code : 9907425160501011661
Price : Ask
Well, this is not my shelter, but a good place to hunt....


Title : Krokodil
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 30 x 10 x 7
Code : 990753010701010726
Price : Ask
Normally we are not afraid of anything, as long as we live in our habitat


Title : Krokodile
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 30 x 24 x 2
Code : 150753024201082808
Price : Ask
Man könnte meinen,diese Alligatoren kuscheln sich aneinander um sich aufzuwärmen.Dazu aber brauchen sie als Reptilien das Sonnenlicht.


Title : Nase
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Tetani
Code : 0001
Price : Ask
Tetanie means termite in indonesian language. They found this piece of wood and have done it, creating a small artwork. I just had to complete it.


Title : Schlange
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 29 x 22 x 3
Code : 991182922301011716
Price : Ask
Eine größere Schlange aus Hartholz.


Secondhand Surfboard

Title : Secondhand Surfboard
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Tetani
Code : 0012
Price : Ask
Tetanie means termite in indonesian language. They found this piece of wood and have done it, creating a small artwork. I just had to complete it.


Title : Seehund
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 22 x 11 x 5
Code : 991212211501012157
Price : Ask
Ein Seehund aus Pulaiholz.


Title : Spinne
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Tetani
Code : 0028
Price : Ask
Tetanie means termite in indonesian language. They found this piece of wood and have done it, creating a small artwork. I just had to complete it.


Title : Stier
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 21 x 5 x 1
Code : 991132105111012148
Price : Ask
Eine kombination aus Pulai und Teakholz für den starken Stier.


Title : Säule
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Tetani
Code : 0002
Price : Ask
Tetanie means termite in indonesian language. They found this piece of wood and have done it, creating a small artwork. I just had to complete it.


Title : Trennlinie
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Tetani
Code : 0011
Price : Ask
Tetanie means termite in indonesian language. They found this piece of wood and have done it, creating a small artwork. I just had to complete it.


Title : Wale
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 46 x 38 x 3
Code : 041374638301232305
Price : Ask
Die Wale der Weltmeere,schön wäre es,sie könnten sich heute noch so dicht nebeneinander tummeln.Leider müssen sich die Meisten von ihnen lange suchen,so weit leben sie auseinander.In diesem Set gibt es 23 Wale.


Title : WuF
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 35 x 24 x 1
Code : 101373524101243119
Price : Ask
Die Wale der Weltmeere,schön wäre es,sie könnten sich heute noch so dicht nebeneinander tummeln.Leider müssen sich die Meisten von ihnen lange Wege zurücklegen um sich zu finden,so weit leben sie auseinander.Hier haben wir 24 Wale und für manche ihr Futter .


Title : WuF
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 35 x 34 x 2
Code : 101373534201213526
Price : Ask
Die Wale der Weltmeere,schön wäre es,sie könnten sich heute noch so dicht nebeneinander tummeln.Leider müssen sich die Meisten von ihnen lange Wege zurücklegen um sich zu finden,so weit leben sie auseinander.Hier haben wir 21 Wale und für manche ihr Futter .


Title : WuF
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 36 x 27 x 2
Code : 101373627201253326
Price : Ask

Nativity Scene from single piece of Pulai wood

Title : Nativity Scene from single piece of Pulai wood
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Nativity Scenes
 Size (cm) : 51 x 37 x 4
Code : 050845137401351134
Price : Ask
This far eastern nativity scene is produced from a single piece of pulai wood, thus creating a true wooden family.
Most of the 30 puzzle pieces, all dressed in traditional Chinese clothes, approximately 15cm in height, stand alone when removed. The puzzle can also be hung on a wall, or placed on a table, as a complete sculpture.
The frame looking like bamboo is also carved from pulai wood.

2 dolphins

Title : 2 dolphins
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 30 x 14 x 3
Code : 99019301430202-0289
Price : Ask
 Created : 2020-05-09
Tow dolphins enjoy the fresh sea. They are wondering as there is no plastic in their sight? Boat plank teakwood, original paint, might be glued in some parts.

2 dolphins

Title : 2 dolphins
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 30 x 12 x 4
Code : 99019301240202-0213
Price : Ask
 Created : 2020-05-09
Desperately the 2 dolphins are looking for a way out, are we trapped, they are asking?Support dolphins freedom. Teak wood from a fishing boat, driftwood, the original paint, the way I found it. Might be glued in some parts.

3 dolphins

Title : 3 dolphins
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 41 x 15 x 3
Code : 99019411531803-0305
Price : Ask
 Created : 2020-05-09
Tree dolphins playing in the waves. Part of a knocked down fishing boat. There might be some glued parts.


Title : Aardvark
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 41 x 17 x 3
Code : 99026411731101
Price : Ask
 Sold :
 Created : 2016-03-23
She came, liked my animals and complaint that nowhere she could find an aardvark. Now there is one, but I never heard again from that lady. Pulai wood landscape with the help of termites, animal from waru wood.

African animal collection

Title : African animal collection
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 26 x 18 x 2
Code : 010852618210111-0389
Price : Ask
 Created : 2018-07-26
An african animal collection cut out of this plank of Australian jarred wood. I t belongs to the eucalyptus family.Hard,read and beautiful.

African zoo

Title : African zoo
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 32 x 22 x 3
Code : 01085322231101
Price : Ask
 Sold :
 Created : 2017-12-04
This mixed animal group is made from 10 different pieces of left over wood.Their african warden is taking care of them..All animals can stand alone.

Air holes

Title : Air holes
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Tetani
Code : 0005
Price : Ask
Tetany means termite in Indonesian. They had messed with this wood and created small art objects. I just had to arrange everything a little. Pulai and ebony


Title : Albtraum
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Tetani
Code : 0022
Price : Ask
There were termites that started this carving,I just followed their trail.Size:11x29x1cm


Title : Alien
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Tetani
Code : 0018
Price : Ask
Tetanie means in indonesian language termite. They fond this piece of wood and have done it, creating a small artwork. I just had to arrange it.

Alligators, caimans, crocodiles

Title : Alligators, caimans, crocodiles
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 40 x 27 x 3
Code : 150754027301091806
Price : Ask
One might think thatthese large crocodiles cuddle up to each other to warm up, but as reptiles they need sunlight to protect themselves from enemies.

American Indian nativity scene

Title : American Indian nativity scene
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Nativity Scenes
 Size (cm) : 48 x 40 x 4
Code : 05084484040139-8503
Price : Ask
 Created : 2008-08-10
A free style approach of a nativity scenen with northern American Indians. Pulai Wood 39 pieces.

Animal collection

Title : Animal collection
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 32 x 24 x 2
Code : 01085322420911-0299
Price : Ask
 Created : 2018-07-26
This group of animals was on a long journey. From Hamburg they went to Bali and finally finished returned to the place of origin.

Animal Farm from Pulai Wood

Title : Animal Farm from Pulai Wood
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 42 x 32 x 3
Code : 130854232301561508
Price : Ask
Guess the designers of famous Ostheimer animals would love this set as well. Here is anything that lives on a traditional farm. All 58 pieces like cat and dog, goat and sheep are removable and stand alone. Using his carving knifes, the wood carver created all pieces from the piece of wood shown above.
Unique item from Pulaiwood.

Animal meeting in Africa

Title : Animal meeting in Africa
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 34 x 23 x 3
Code : 01085342331111-0378
Price : Ask
 Created : 2018-07-26
A collection of african animals having a meeting.Will we stay here, or do we have to emigrate?

Animal puzzle Africa

Title : Animal puzzle Africa
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 30 x 12 x 1
Code : 01085301210211
Price : Ask
 Sold :
 Created : 2018-07-26
An animal collection from Africa. This very old and weather beaten teak plank is a left over from an javanese farmhouse.

Animal Zoo - Pulai wood

Title : Animal Zoo - Pulai wood
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 60 x 50 x 4
Code : 030856050401290129
Price : Ask
 Sold :
Big animal zoo with 29 painted animals which are, except for the dolphin, all able to stand on their legs.
Pulai Wood.


Title : Animalzoo
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 48 x 27 x 3
Code : 01085482730115
Price : Ask
 Sold :
 Created : 2016-02-02
There was this edge and I didn´t wanted to cut it,thus I was forced to place more animals in this animal zoo for children with normally 10 animals and a zoo warden.Now they are 14 all together as there are 2 snakes. Pulai wood size: 48x27x3 appr.


Title : Arche
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 49 x 28 x 4
Code : 110854928401421620
Price : Ask
 Sold :
 Created : 2013-12-31
Like in a tinbox there are 40 animals,Noah and his wife, size:49x28x4cm

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