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Highlights 2015

Death of the Rhino

Once upon a time in Africa, a big population of animals like Zebras, Lions, Rhinos and others was living in the plains of the Kilimanjaro...

But then a poacher came and shoot the rhino in the head to steal his horn...

Than the horn took a long way to asia,where it found its market as aphrodisiacs but no proof of any strengthening power.In the end the story runs like this,cut the branch of a tree you are sitting on and you will brake your bones.It´s almost Five Minutes to This Midnight, we can only save this world by starting to protect all living creatures right now.That bullet in the rhino´s head will also become our own bullet,if we don´t start changing.and changing now.

The Rhino -animation...


Events 2015

Only this year:

The exhibition will be in Kurpark Malente from 17.7-26.7.2015

Exceptionally the exhibition will happen in Malente in 2015

Events 2011

LIGNA Exhibition 30.05.2011 - 03.06.2011

LIGNA Exhibition 30.05.2011 - 03.06.2011

LIGNA Exhibition 30.05.2011 - 03.06.2011

Hannover, Messe, Germany


Events 2010

Exhibitions, Christmas items and nativity scenes

Eutin Schlossterassen 09.07.-18.07.10, Stuttgart Lindenmuseum 27.10.-01.11.10, Bad Pyrmont Wasserschloss 04.11.-07.11.10, Lübeck Heiligen Geist Hospital 26.11.-06.12.10

For all who want to see the woodcarvings alive:

Eutin Schlossterassen                    09.07.-18.07.10
Stuttgart Lindenmuseum                27.10.-01.11.10
Bad Pyrmont Wasserschloss         04.11.-07.11.10
Lübeck Heiligen Geist Hospital     26.11.-06.12.10

Exhibitions, Christmas items and nativity scenes : www.krippen.de
Jewelry Items : www.bilderschmuck.de

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