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Greed for beauty

Title : Greed for beauty
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Greed Octopus
 Size (cm) : 82 x 1 x 9
Code : 50199820199905
Price : Ask
 Created : 2020-06-26
5th arm: Perfectly styled people from the entertainment industry do their part to make us feel that we don’t look good enough. We never see them up close, but their appearance, and the way they seem to radiate eternal youth and freshness make us envious and we want to try to be like them. And yes, there is a remedy: today beauty can be bought. You can freeze away all your wrinkles with Botox . And there are many beauty clinics that use silicone to contour your biceps, breasts and buttocks to the shape currently on trend – anything you like and with little effort. Full lips, oversized breasts, Instagram face, penis enlargement? No problem. We now no longer have to worry about getting older. Greed for beauty and fame has created a huge industry that pretends to relieve us of all these worries. External beauty can be bought, and so hundreds of thousands worship their idols and forget to take care of their own well-being. To keep up to date, you look at what the social media stars look like, thus allowing yourself be manipulated by others.

Greed in social networks

Title : Greed in social networks
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Greed Octopus
 Size (cm) : 82 x 1 x 9
Code : 50199820199906
Price : Ask
 Created : 2020-06-26
6th arm: Without noticing it, we are increasingly slipping away from ourselves, succumbing to the world of social media and opening up to complete strangers. The greed in social networks to have as many friends as possible, to indulge in gossip, to forget that there is a real world, makes many become lonely and addicted. You define yourself only through your internet groups; “likes” are your lifeline. Since you rarely experience anything, you have nothing to tell and your friends online already know all the digital gossip there is to know. Reading books, the feel paper in your hands is a thing of the past. But at least you feel alive for a moment if you take a quick picture— but why and for whom in this fast-moving world? Insomnia and fear of being ignored online are the consequences. Our dwindling feeling of personal identity eats away at our real lives, allowing influencers to become all-powerful.

Greed for power

Title : Greed for power
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Greed Octopus
 Size (cm) : 82 x 1 x 9
Code : 50199820199907
Price : Ask
 Created : 2020-06-26
7th arm: With increasing popularity, they suddenly want to try gain power over others, by becoming politicians, for example. More and more magicians, musicians and actors are entering the world of politics. The greed for power has shaped the history of mankind for so long and has ultimately brought only death and ruin. Eloquent politicians can easily spread lies and find enough followers to implement their political agendas, no matter how wrong they are. A charged socio-political climate, history has shown, regardless who is behind the greed for power, creates only losers in the long run. Greed for power manifests itself in many ways: a show of superiority, the claim to be right, the wish to impose one's will. Whether it is Buddhists expelling the Rohingya, Indian Hindus robbing Muslims of their livelihoods, Muslims bombing Christian churches, or crusaders forcibly converting infidels: throughout history, the power of religion may have done more harm than good. Attaining power through a show of strength, physical intimidation or even the use of weapons, leaves traumatized victims and robs countless people of their ancestral homelands. Power through drugs, criminal organizations, politics and world religions can tear apart established social structures and leave irreparable damage behind. Although it was difficult for people to check propaganda for truth before we had the internet, the internet has made it even easier for people today to produce and spread fake news and conspiracy theories and to make others believe just about anything.

Greed for our planet`s resources

Title : Greed for our planet`s resources
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Greed Octopus
 Size (cm) : 82 x 1 x 9
Code : 50199820199908
Price : Ask
 Created : 2020-06-26
8th arm: The greed for power and the apparatus necessary to maintain it requires enormous financial resources. In many countries, these can easily be obtained through the exploitation of natural resources. Whether it is diamonds, gold or crude oil – they have triggered the greed for our planet’s resources, regardless of the consequences. We can expect major wars to be fought over natural resources. This greed leaves only losers and toxic wastelands in its wake— once the process of ruthless overexploitation has begun, only dead industrial deserts will remain. Nowhere left to live for people, animals and flora; everything will be radioactive; contaminated water sources will leave us without the basis for survival. We will have finally succeeded. Greed, growing slowly until it reaches a point of no return, is capable of creating conditions that will make Earth uninhabitable: with it we will exterminate ourselves and very likely most other life forms as well.

The river taking away all greed symbols

Title : The river taking away all greed symbols
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Greed Octopus
 Size (cm) : 82 x 1 x 9
Code : 50199820199909
Price : Ask
 Created : 2020-06-26
9th arm:Is there a way out? A glance at the history of humankind suggests a solution, painful but feasible. But it requires the destruction of the current order. Great natural disasters and wars have destroyed or wiped out entire civilizations or forced them to migrate. In Europe, the consequences of the Second World War uprooted most people, stripping them of everything that was important to their social status. The devastating tsunami of 2004, which cost the lives of almost 250,000 people in Asia, succeeded in breaking up political fronts and entrenched power structures. Greed for beauty and fame, political power and the greed for raw materials were all washed away with the floods. Like a giant river ending in a waterfall that swallows up all of the abominations spawned by greed, then pulverizing them through the kinetic energy of the fall. Social differences are temporarily erased and a new beginning can come. Has anyone learned anything from this cycle? I doubt it...


Title : Bear
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 36 x 15 x 6
Code : 99009361561101-0427
Price : Ask
 Created : 2020-08-03
A young bear is looking for food. Made by driftwood, the bear runs in a landscape of pulai wood, eaten up by termites.


Title : Suricate
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 14 x 16 x 4
Code : 99025141641101-0439
Price : Ask
 Created : 2020-08-03
Hiding in the shade of a small rocky wall, this suricate escaped from being hunted. Its not alone, the friends are checking the area around and will signal as soon as they see predators. Standing in a piece of driftwood, itself the suricate is carved from mango wood.


Title : Suricate
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 15 x 20 x 2
Code : 99025152021101-0453
Price : Ask
 Created : 2020-08-03
This suricate, made from yellow Nanka wood stands in a blue landscape taken from a knocked down fishing boat .


Title : Owl
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 11 x 18 x 3
Code : 99028111831101-0449
Price : €150
 Sold :
 Created : 2020-08-03
Hidden in the trunk of a tree this owl is waiting for dawn and than she will look for pray.Trunk from a broken branch and the owl is made from camper wood.


Title : Suricate
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 19 x 16 x 5
Code : 99025191651101-0440
Price : Ask
 Created : 2020-08-03
A suricate on high alert. There were strange noises around. In case something dangerous will show up, the suricate will hide in its cave. The entrance is just in front. Driftwood for the landscape and Mango wood for the animal.

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