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Title : Rabbit
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup :
 Size (cm) : 12 x 9 x 3
Code : 99050120931002
Price : Ask
 Sold :
 Created : 2016-04-01
Two young rabbits on the meadow. Made from a piece of driftwood.

Owl box

Title : Owl box
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Boxes
 Size (cm) : 7 x 24 x 7
Code : 500280724707011781
Price : Ask
An owl guards these 3 little drawers. this casket ,made from birch wood owns a secret lock. You really have to know it,otherwise your wedding ring will be hidden for ever.size 7x24x7 cm


Title : Fliege
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Boxes
 Size (cm) : 14 x 6 x 9
Code : 500341406911011080
Price : Ask
 Sold :
 Created : 2013-12-31
Out of Stock


Title : Gekko
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Boxes
 Size (cm) : 25 x 10 x 1
Code : 500432510141712471
Price : Ask
 Sold :
Gekkobox iron wood


Title : Schildkröte
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Boxes
 Size (cm) : 21 x 8 x 1
Code : 501192108121711772
Price : Ask
 Sold :
 Created : 2013-12-31
Out of Stock


Title : Schlange
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Boxes
 Size (cm) : 12 x 30 x 7
Code : 5011812300701011469
Price : Ask
The snake is the guardian of the secrets hidden in the pulai box.Size:12x30x7cm

Snake Box from Pulai wood

Tetani box

Title : Tetani box
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Boxes
 Size (cm) : 19 x 6 x 9
Code : 500001906911011281
Price : Ask
 Sold :
 Created : 2013-12-31
Out of Stock


Title : Tiger
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Boxes
 Size (cm) : 5 x 4 x 9
Code : 501290504091911170
Price : Ask
They caught the tiger and squeezed him in this narrow box from rubinie wood. Poor animal,sad story. size:5x4x9cm


Title : Toke
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Boxes
 Size (cm) : 5 x 23 x 8
Code : 500430523081121673
Price : Ask
The yellow tokay gecko almost catched the black fly from sono wood.Box with five drawers.Teak and nanka wood.Size 5x23x8cm

Tokay Schatulle

Title : Tokay Schatulle
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Boxes
Code : 5004305
Price : Ask
The opened tokay gecko box.


Title : Totemobjekt
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Boxes
 Size (cm) : 4 x 15 x 9
Code : 500850415091132470
Price : Ask
The totem box from teak wood keeps the secret of more animal faces.a light ebony wood feather locks it all up.size 4x15x9 cm


Title : Zebra
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Boxes
 Size (cm) : 70 x 71 x 2
Code : 50151707121911571
Price : Ask
There is not very much space left for the 2 zebras inside their cage during transportation.Rubinie,a wood with clear growth rings.size:7x7x12cm

Crocodile box

Title : Crocodile box
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Boxes
 Size (cm) : 10 x 13 x 9
Code : 50075101392001***8423
Price : Ask
 Created : 2020-12-28
This frightening crocodile is guarding the content of the round box. To see all you have to win against the crocodile.driftwood, Nanka wood

Death of the Rhino

Title : Death of the Rhino
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Rhinoceros
Code : Das Nashorn
Price : Ask
Death of the Rhino

Once upon a time in Africa, a big population of animals like Zebras,Lions, Rhinos and others was living in the plains of the Kilimanjaro...

But then a poacher came and shoot the rhino in the head to steal his horn...

Than the horn took a long way to asia,where it found its market as aphrodisiacs but no proof of any strengthening power.

In the end the story runs like this,cut the branch of a tree you are sitting on and you will brake your bones.

It´s almost Five Minutes to This Midnight, we can only save this world by starting to protect all living creatures right now.

That bullet in the rhino´s head will also become our own bullet,if we don´t start changing. Changing now.


Title : Schachbrett
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Das Schachspiel
 Size (cm) : 48 x 24 x 7
Code : 190854824711320628
Price : Ask
If you want to see more details from this chess game pls.look in the Animal world booklet

Chess players

Title : Chess players
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Das Schachspiel
 Size (cm) : 48 x 24 x 7
Code : 190854824711320628
Price : Ask
Das ursprüngliche Konzept war auch hier ein Puzzle.Ja,es ist wahr,man kann die weißen oder schwarzen Schachfiguren zu einem Puzzle zusammenfügen.Aber das dürfte für Schachspieler nur von untergeordneter Bedeutung sein.


Title : Schachspiel
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Das Schachspiel
Code : Schachspiel
Price : Ask
First there was the idea to design and carve the chess players like cheetah (the king),cobra (the queen), bears ( the castle),kangaroo (the knight), ostrich (the bishop) and the suricates (the pawns). Then, as I couldn´t find a suitable chess casket ,I had to built it myself. Just too much to do it again.

Erna the genetically engineered pig

Title : Erna the genetically engineered pig
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Pig
Code : Das Schwein
Price : Ask
Erna the genetically engineered pig

The animal farm gave me the inspiration to create "Erna", which from the way of making, is similar to rhino project, but has a complete different content.

Listening to the rhino story we still talk our way out of anything, as Africa is so far away, but Erna is everywhere we eat and drink.

Erna the genetically engineered pig.

This story explains the way the food processing industry is altering our daily food inch by inch, day by day to take a turn for the worse....

Erna The Pig animation...

Elephantbox - Crocodile Wood & Grenadil Wood

Title : Elephantbox - Crocodile Wood & Grenadil Wood
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 6 x 15 x 6
Code : 500270615622042881
Price : Ask
This fancy woodblock with 3 small drawers was made from crocodile wood.
The elephant and the mices are from Grenadil wood. The 3 mice only want to scare the elephant...


Title : Eagle
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 10 x 34 x 6
Code : 990011034610013612
Price : Ask
This eagle sits in a piece of mahogany wood.
The rear side of this woodart piece is covered with the bark of the tree. Size 10x34x6cm


Title : Eagle
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 14 x 34 x 6
Code : 990011434601012008
Price : Ask
A big eagle sitting in his tree. Pulai wood.


Title : Bear
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 13 x 14 x 5
Code : 990091314501012349
Price : Ask
That bear was sitting in front of his cave. Both from Pulaiholz.

Bear - Ebony Wood

Title : Bear - Ebony Wood
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 15 x 11 x 2
Code : 990091511204013408
Price : €350
 Sold :
This young brown bear, made from ebony wood is already sold. There is a chance I could carve it again, if you can't live without this one....


Title : Bear
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 17 x 24 x 8
Code : 990091724801012841
Price : Ask
Standing, it sharpens the claws himself better, thinks this brown bear from Pulaiholz

Bear - Pulai Wood

Title : Bear - Pulai Wood
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 24 x 13 x 6
Code : 990092413601011940
Price : €280
The Brown Bear relaxes.
Pulai wood.


Title : Bär
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 30 x 19 x 4
Code : 990093019401011442
Price : Ask
Relaxing in the shadow of a tree, which was not yet done when I met the bear. Pulai Wood


Title : Bear
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 30 x 27 x 6
Code : 990093027611013045
Price : Ask
 Sold :
Still, a brown bear from a Bergkulisse.Mischholz


Title : Bär
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 34 x 27 x 6
Code : 990093427601011242
Price : Ask
 Sold :
A sad polar bear looking for food and new land


Title : Bär
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 36 x 23 x 7
Code : 990093623701011126
Price : Ask
The bear rests tiredly under a ledge. Pulai wood.

Blue buck - Teak

Title : Blue buck - Teak
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 39 x 19 x 2
Code : 990083919202011778
Price : €220
 Sold :
The outer piece of an old teak trunk forms the shelter for this extinct blue buck. Teak wood.

Blue whale

Title : Blue whale
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 37 x 19 x 7
Code : 990073719701012334
Price : Ask
 Sold :
 Created : 2013-12-31
This reproduction of a driftwood piece is the new home of a sei whale, telling us that his life is endangered. The driftwood originates from muslim cometary and was washed away by monsunrain.

Gray whale

Title : Gray whale
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 40 x 13 x 6
Code : 990074013602013541
Price : Ask
This gray whale was made from the inner part of this drift wood piece. size 40x13x6 cm

Grey whale

Title : Grey whale
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 41 x 12 x 5
Code : 990074112512012445
Price : Ask
 Sold :
Grey whale. Once a part from an Indonesian fishing boat now the perfect home for this whale. size. 41x12x5cm


Title : Buckelwal
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 48 x 13 x 8
Code : 990074813802010150
Price : Ask
 Sold :
Quite a large object, this humpback whale in the beach piece of wood, made of teak.


Title : Blauwal
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 50 x 15 x 9
Code : 990075015912013445
Price : Ask
 Sold :
 Created : 2013-12-31
It was more than complicated to free this blue whale out of this driftwood piece.size:50x15x9cm

Blue whale - Nangka Wood

Title : Blue whale - Nangka Wood
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 50 x 17 x 6
Code : 990075017605010250
Price : Ask
 Sold :
This whale ,maid from a piece of Nanka driftwood,is a typical sample of my wood art concept. Too narrow for fins and flukes,I had to use the wood pieces left over from the smaller rear body.This woodart object has to extra small legs to stand alone.Size 50x17x6 cm


Title : Dolphin
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 28 x 9 x 5
Code : 990192809512010249
Price : €180
 Sold :
This dophin was always in this piece of driftwood. Thats why he likes to stay there. Teakwood size 28x09x5cm


Title : Delphin
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 28 x 11 x 6
Code : 990192811612010841
Price : Ask
 Sold :
"Hey, how are you" asked the one on left. Made from Blalu driftwood piece this object shows that even a small piece of driftwood is enough to create a nice piece of wood art.

Drake - Pulai Wood

Title : Drake - Pulai Wood
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 41 x 20 x 4
Code : 990184120401011382
Price : Ask
 Sold :
The Dragon looks familiar to you? In modified form, he sits in the Chinese horoscope.
Pulai wood. Sorry sold but could be redone on request.


Title : Dromedary
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 22 x 18 x 5
Code : 990202218501013050
Price : Ask
After a strenuous day's ride, the dromedary can now rest in the shade of a sand dune


Title : Dromedary
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 30 x 18 x 5
Code : 990203018511013644
Price : Ask
 Created : 2013-12-31
After a long ride through the desert, the dromedary deserve a rest.

Unicorn - Pulai Wood

Title : Unicorn - Pulai Wood
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 23 x 25 x 2
Code : 990312325201013211
Price : Ask
The unicorn tries to figure out who is coming. There is a strange smell in the air.
Made from single piece of Pulai wood.

Polar bear and baby

Title : Polar bear and baby
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 37 x 17 x 6
Code : 990093717601023345
Price : Ask
Oh I am so tired with my baby on the Ruecken.Eisbaeren from Pulaiholz


Title : Elefant
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 13 x 13 x 4
Code : 990271313405013542
Price : Ask
 Created : 2013-12-31


Title : Elefant
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 23 x 25 x 5
Code : 990272325514011950
Price : Ask
 Sold :
The white elephant from Akazienhlz.


Title : Elefant
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 34 x 24 x 6
Code : 990273424601012411
Price : Ask
 Sold :
Impetuous and wild,immediately he breaks out of his frame,which not only represents the habitat of the elephant,but also its protection.Pulaiholz


Title : Elephant
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 34 x 32 x 5
Code : 990273432501012007
Price : Ask
 Created : 2001-03-12
If he pushes a bit harder he will free himself from his pulai wood frame


Title : Elefant
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 40 x 35 x 9
Code : 990274035901011617
Price : Ask
This is probably the largest elephant at the moment. Pulai wood.Mass 40x35x9cm


Title : Previous
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 14 x 14 x 5
Code : 990291414502010707
Price : Ask
A small teak from a leftover piece from a carpenter's workshop

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