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Water buffalo

Title : Water buffalo
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 21 x 18 x 4
Code : 99146211841001
Price : Ask
 Created : 2016-04-17
Grazing on the riverbanks of the famous Li river in Guilin,this water buffalo enjoys the beautiful landscape made from limestone cones. An unknown wood I found on the beach,even if it looks like pine its not.Size 21x18x4 apprx

Water buffalo

Title : Water buffalo
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Single Animal
 Size (cm) : 25 x 15 x 3
Code : 99146251531001
Price : €450
 Sold :
 Created : 2016-04-22
Grazing buffalo, in picturesque surrounding.The landscape is made from a part of a sunken fishing boat while the buffalo was done from waru wood.