g.p. reichelt - Geschenkideen1
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Geschenkideen. Object 111 - 120, 430 total - sorted by: Code
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Title : Doppelwal
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 32 x 33 x 2
Code : 101373233201340211
Price : Ask
Currently untraceable, probably stolen


Title : WuF
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 33 x 20 x 2
Code : 101373320201122806
Price : €200
 Sold :
A reduction from the big whale and dolphins carving


Title : Doppel-wal
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 33 x 33 x 2
Code : 101373333201302219
Price : Ask
The whale motif .2 Blue whales circle with all the other whales and almost form a slowly rotating circle.The killing of the whales caused me to design this motif. The whales live more and more cornered as in a tin.33x33x2cm


Title : Whales
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 34 x 32 x 2
Code : 101373432201233426
Price : Ask
A big group of whales shares a save place in this pulai puzzle.All together there are 23 whales and fishes.Size 34x32x2cm


Title : WuF
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 34 x 35 x 2
Code : 101373435201232519
Price : Ask
A formation of the most known sea mammals the whales and for some of them, their favorite prey.....Made from one piece of wood.


Title : WuF
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 35 x 24 x 1
Code : 101373524101243119
Price : Ask
Die Wale der Weltmeere,schön wäre es,sie könnten sich heute noch so dicht nebeneinander tummeln.Leider müssen sich die Meisten von ihnen lange Wege zurücklegen um sich zu finden,so weit leben sie auseinander.Hier haben wir 24 Wale und für manche ihr Futter .


Whales and fishes

Title : Whales and fishes
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 35 x 30 x 2
Code : 101373530201230942
Price : Ask
The whales of the world's oceans, it would be nice if they could still be so close to each other today.Unfortunately, most of them have to travel long distances to find themselves,so far apart they live.Here we have 25 whales and for some their food .

Whales and fishes

Title : Whales and fishes
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 35 x 32 x 2
Code : 101373532201212419
Price : Ask
The whales of the world's oceans, it would be nice if they could still be so close to each other.Unfortunately, most of them have to look for a long time,so far apart they live.But here we have together 21 whales with food for them .


Title : WuF
Group : Wood Art
Subgroup : Puzzles
 Size (cm) : 35 x 34 x 2
Code : 101373534201213526
Price : Ask
Die Wale der Weltmeere,schön wäre es,sie könnten sich heute noch so dicht nebeneinander tummeln.Leider müssen sich die Meisten von ihnen lange Wege zurücklegen um sich zu finden,so weit leben sie auseinander.Hier haben wir 21 Wale und für manche ihr Futter .

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